Conclusions of the expert commission on the accreditation examination of the training of masters in the specialty 8.18010016 "Business Administration" at Khmelnytsky National University.
Conclusions of the expert commission of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine on the results of accreditation examination of training specialists of educational qualification level "Master" specialty 8.03020601 "International Business" in the field of knowledge 0302 "International Relations" at Khmelnytsky National University
Conclusions of the expert commission of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine on the results of accreditation examination of training specialists of educational qualification level "Master" specialty 8.17020201 "Occupational Safety (by industry)" at Khmelnytsky National University
Conclusions of the expert commission of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine on the results of accreditation examination of training specialists of educational qualification levels "bachelor" in the field of training 6.020207 "Design" and "specialist" in specialty 7.02020701 "Design" at Khmelnytsky National University
Conclusion of the expert commission of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine in the field of "Informatics" on the results of the accreditation examination
Conclusion of the expert commission of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine in the field of "Commodity and trade entrepreneurship" on the results of accreditation examination
Expert conclusions of the accreditation examination of the ability of Khmelnytsky National University to conduct educational activities in preparation for the second (master's) educational level of specialty 8.01010401 "Professional education (transport)"
Expert conclusions of the accreditation examination of the ability of Khmelnytsky National University to conduct educational activities in preparation for the second (master's) educational level of specialty 8.03020501 "Local History"
Conclusion of the expert commission of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine on the results of the accreditation examination of the specialty 8.05010102 "Information technologies of design" in the field of knowledge 0501 "Informatics and computer engineering"
The conclusion of the accreditation examination on the training of specialists of educational and qualification level "bachelor" in the field of training 6.040101 "Chemistry" at Khmelnytsky National University
Expert conclusions of the accreditation examination of the ability of Khmelnytsky National University to conduct educational activities for the training of specialists of the first (bachelor's) educational level in the field of training 6.030203 "International Economic Relations"
Conclusion of the expert commission of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine on the results of accreditation examination on compliance of Khmelnytsky National University and the Department of Software Engineering with the License Terms and State requirements for accreditation for training specialists in the educational-professional program at the second (master's) level of higher education
Conclusion of the expert commission of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine on the results of accreditation examination on compliance of Khmelnytsky National University and the Department of Marketing and Trade Entrepreneurship with the License Conditions and State requirements for accreditation for training in the educational and professional program "Marketing" the second (master's) level of higher education
Conclusion of the expert commission of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine on the results of accreditation examination on compliance of Khmelnytsky National University and the Department of Marketing and Trade Entrepreneurship with the License Conditions and State requirements for accreditation for training specialists in educational and professional program "Wholesale and retail" Entrepreneurship, Trade and Exchange Activities ”at the second (master's) level of higher education
Expert opinion on the results of accreditation examination. Direction of training 6.010203 Human health *. Educational level is the first bachelor's degree
Comparative characteristics of compliance of the achieved level of educational activity of Khmelnytsky National University with the State requirements for accreditation of the specialty 6.010203 "Human Health"
Expert conclusions of the accreditation examination in the direction of training 6.050702 Electromechanics (according to the list of 2015 - specialty 141 "Electric power, electrical engineering and electromechanics")
Expert opinion on the results of accreditation examination. Direction of training 6.010203 Human health. Educational level is the first bachelor's degree
Comparative characteristics of compliance of the achieved level of educational activity of KhNU with the State requirements for accreditation of the specialty 6.010203 Human Health.
Comparative characteristics of compliance of the achieved level of educational activity of KhNU with the State requirements for accreditation of the specialty 6.020303 Philology. Ukrainian language and literature.
Expert opinion on the results of accreditation examination. Direction of training 6.020303 Philology. Ukrainian language and literature First bachelor's degree.
Conclusion expert commission of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine on the results of accreditation examination of educational activities of KhNU for the preparation of bachelors in the direction of 6.030204 "International Information".
Expert conclusions of the accreditation examination of bachelors training in the direction of training 6.020208 "Decorative and applied arts".
Expert opinion of the commission on conducting the next accreditation examination of bachelors training in the direction of training 6.030507 "Marketing".
Expert conclusions of the accreditation examination of bachelors training in the direction of 6.140101 "Hotel and restaurant business".
Expert conclusions of the accreditation examination of bachelors in the field of 6.140103 "Tourism".
Conclusion of the expert commission of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine on the results of accreditation examination of the educational-professional program "Secondary education (physical culture)" training of applicants for the specialty 014 Secondary education (physical culture) of the second (master's) level of higher education
Conclusion of the expert commission of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine on the results of the accreditation examination. Educational program "Design". The level of higher education is the second (master's). At Khmelnytsky National University
Expert conclusions of the expert commission based on the results of the accreditation examination of the educational-professional program "Chemistry" in the specialty 102 "Chemistry" for the second (master's) level of higher education at Khmelnytsky National University
Conclusion of the expert commission of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine on the results of the accreditation examination of the educational-professional program "Applied Mathematics"
Conclusion of the expert commission of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine on the results of accreditation examination of the educational-professional program "Telecommunications and Radio Engineering" for training specialists in specialty 172 "Telecommunications and Radio Engineering" for the second (master's) level of higher education at Khmelnytsky National University
Expert conclusions on the accreditation examination of training specialists of educational level Master's degree in the educational-professional program "Business Economics" specialty 051 "Economics", field of knowledge 05 "Social and Behavioral Sciences" at Khmelnytsky National University
Expert conclusions on the accreditation examination of the training of masters of the educational-professional program "Personnel Management and Labor Economics" specialty 051 "Economics", field of knowledge 05 "Social and Behavioral Sciences" at Khmelnytsky National University
Expert conclusions on the accreditation examination of training specialists of educational level Master's degree in the educational-professional program "Entrepreneurship" specialty 076 "Entrepreneurship, trade and exchange activities", field of knowledge 07 "Management and Administration" at Khmelnytsky National University
Expert conclusions from the accreditation examination of training specialists of educational level Master's degree in the educational-professional program "Economic Cybernetics" specialty 051 "Economics", field of knowledge 05 "Social and Behavioral Sciences" at Khmelnytsky National University
Expert conclusions on the accreditation examination of training specialists of educational level Master's degree in the educational-professional program "Electrical Appliances" specialty 141 "Electrical Power Engineering, Electrical Engineering and Electromechanics", field of knowledge 14 "Electrical Engineering" at Khmelnitsky National University
Expert opinions on the results of the accreditation examination of the educational-professional program "Secondary education. Labor education and technologies, informatics »training of applicants for the specialty 014 Secondary education (Labor education and technologies) of the second (master's) level of higher education at Khmelnytsky National University conclusions based on the results of the accreditation examination of the educational and professional program "Secondary education. Labor education and technologies, informatics »training of applicants for the specialty 014 Secondary education (Labor education and technologies) of the second (master's) level of higher education at Khmelnytsky National University
Expert conclusions on the accreditation examination of the educational-professional program "Professional education. Transport (Car maintenance and repair) »training of applicants for the specialty 015 Professional education (Transport) of the second (master's) level of higher education at Khmelnytsky National University
Expert conclusions on the accreditation examination of training specialists of the second (master's) level in the educational-professional program "Business Administration" specialty 073 "Management", field of knowledge 07 "Management and Administration" at Khmelnytsky National University
Expert conclusions on the accreditation examination of the training of specialists of the second (master's) level in the educational-professional program "Management of Organizations" specialty 073 "Management", field of knowledge 07 "Management and Administration" at Khmelnytsky National University
Expert conclusions on the accreditation examination of training specialists of educational level Master's degree in the educational and professional program "Accounting and Taxation" specialty 071 "Accounting and Taxation", field of knowledge 07 "Management and Administration" at Khmelnytsky National University
Expert conclusions on the accreditation examination of the training of specialists of the second (master's) educational level under the educational-professional program Labor protection (by branches) of specialty 263 "Civil security" in the field of knowledge 26 "Civil security" at Khmelnytsky National University
Expert conclusions of the accreditation examination of the ability of Khmelnytsky National University to conduct educational activities to train specialists in the educational-professional program International Economic Relations, specialty 292 International Economic Relations at the second (master's) level of higher education
Expert opinions on the results of the accreditation examination of the educational and professional program "International Information" in the specialty 291 "International Relations, Public Communications and Regional Studies" in the second (master's) level of higher education at Khmelnytsky National University
Conclusion of the expert commission of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine on the results of the accreditation examination of the educational-professional program "Software Engineering" training of higher education in specialty 121 "Software Engineering" for the first (bachelor's) level of higher education
Expert opinions on the results of accreditation examination of bachelors training in the field of training 6.020303 "Philology." Applied Linguistics ”at Khmelnytsky National University
Expert conclusions of the accreditation examination in the direction of 6.050701 "Electrical engineering and electrical technology"
Conclusions of the expert commission on the next accreditation examination in the field of training 6.010106 Social pedagogy in the field of knowledge 0101 Pedagogical education at the first (bachelor's) level at Khmelnytsky National University