*All positions are indicated at the time of awarding the title of honorary doctor of Khmelnytskyi National University

Vasyl Kremen
Doctor of Sciences in Philosophy, Professor, Academician of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Minister of Education and Science of Ukraine, President of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine

Ivan Hryshchenko
Doctor of Engineering Sciences, Professor, People's Deputy of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine (1990-1994), Rector of the Kyiv National University of Technology and Design

Petro Tronko
Doctor of Historical Sciences, Academician of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (2005-2011)

Valeriy Heiets
Doctor of Engineering Sciences, Professor, Academician of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Honored Scientist and Technologist of Ukraine, Vice-President of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Director of the Institute of Economics and Forecasting of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine

Leszek Adam Dobrzanski
Doctor of Engineering Sciences, Professor, Director of the Institute of Engineering and Biotechnical Materials of the Gliwice University of Technology (Poland)

Nellya Nychkalo
Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, Academician of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (Kyiv), Honored Scientist and Technologist of Ukraine

Volodymyr Tsvih
Philosopher, Political Scientist, Doctor of Political Science, Professor of Kyiv National University named after Shevchenko, Vice-president of the Eurasian Association of University Trade Union Organizations, Honored Education Worker of Ukraine

Mykola Vavrynchuk
Doctor of Political Sciences, Associate professor of the Khmelnytskyi Institute of Regional Management and Law, Major General of the Security Service of Ukraine, Honored Education Worker of Ukraine

Halyna Sagach
Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Doctor of Science in Rhetoric, Professor of Kyiv National University named after Shevchenko

Słosek František
(Republic of Poland)
Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, Director of the Institute of Pedagogy of the Academy of Special pedagogy named after Maria Grzegozhevska, Member of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine

Mykola Bereznenko
Doctor of Engineering Sciences, Professor of Kyiv National University of Technology and Design, Honored Scientist and Technologist of Ukraine

Kazimieras Ragulskis
Doctor of Engineering Sciences, Professor, Academician of the National Academy of Sciences of Lithuania

Eduard (Edvard) Milyar
Member of the National Union of Artists of Ukraine

Oleg Slobodenko
Honored Artist of Ukraine, Composer, Singer, Author of the anthem of the Khmelnytskyi National University

Mykhailo Chekman
Mayor of Khmelnytskyi (1998-2002)

Vasyl Skalskyi
Ph.D. in economical sciences, Associate Professor, Honored Economist of Ukraine, Head of the Khmelnytskyi Regional Department of Statistics

Viktor Onyshko
Honored doctor of Ukraine, Chief doctor of the regional maternity hospital

Lyudmila Kudryavtseva
Doctor of Philological Sciences, Professor of the Institute of Philology of Kyiv National University named after T. Shevchenko

Dierrich Peter
Rector of the Higher School, University of Zittau (Germany)

Valeriy Kostrytskyi
Doctor of Engineering Sciences, Professor of the Kyiv National University. of Technology and Design, vice-rector for scientific work

Adam Tabor
Director of the quality standardization center of Krakow Polytechnic (Poland)

Józef Gawlik
Doctor of Engineering Sciences, Professor, Rector of Krakow Polytechnic named after Tadeusz Kostyushko

Oleksandr Burmistenkov
Doctor of Engineering Sciences, Professor of the Kyiv National University. of Technology and Design, Honored Scientist and Technologist of Ukraine

Vitaliy Oluyko
Doctor of Sciences in Public Administration, Professor, Honoured lawyer of Ukraine, People's deputy of Ukraine (2004-2006), Head of the Khmelnytskyi regional territorial branch of the Antimonopoly Committee of Ukraine

Klaudish Lennik
Doctor of Engineering Sciences, Professor, Engineer (Poland)

Bohdan Zhultovsky
Doctor of Engineering Sciences, Professor, Dean of the Faculty of Bydgoszcz Polytechnic, Bydgoszcz (Poland)

Liubosh Hesu
Professor of the Lyuberec University of Technology (Czech Republic)

Oleksandr Burlakov
Head of the state inspection department of the Ministry of Education and Culture of Ukraine (Kyiv)

Oleksandr Lishchuk
Honored inventor of Ukraine

Boris Goldengorin
Doctor of Economics, Doctor of Engineering Sciences, Professor of the Department of Higher Mathematics and Informatics of the University of Economics (Netherlands)

Vasyl Sobchynskyi
Honored doctor of Ukraine, Head of the urology department of the Khmelnytskyi Regional Hospital

Mykola Novikov
Doctor of Engineering Sciences, Professor, Director of the National Academy of Sciences of the National Academy of Sciences, academician of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, former figure of science and technology of Ukraine

Vitaliy Tomashenko
Head of the Department of Professional Education Development of the Ministry of Education and Culture of Ukraine (2001-2003)

Franciszek Bromberek
Doctor of Engineering Sciences, Associate Professor, Head of the Rector’s Office of the Bydgoszcz Polytechnic, Bydgoszcz (Poland)

Dariush Pavlishchy
Doctor of Philosophy, Mayor of Hromadka (Poland)

Tomasz Topoliński
Doctor of Engineering Sciences, Professor, Rector of the Bydgoszcz Polytechnic, Bydgoszcz (Poland)

Janush Musyal
Dean of the Mechanical Engineering Faculty of the Bydgoszcz Polytechnic, Bydgoszcz (Poland)

Claus Raab
Founder and General Director of the company "BeRa Berlin" (international
marketing and implementation of the latest technologies), representative
of the international company HPC International SAS in Ukraine.

Michael Kretzer
General Director and Owner of the pharmaceutical company MAX PHARMA GmbH, member of the CDU/CSU political union, chairman of the Association of Bavarian
small and medium business entrepreneurs, chairman of the Bavarian Committee on Issues of
medicine in Berlin.