035 - Philology. Slavic languages ​​and literatures (translation included), the first - Polish

2022, 2021, 2020

The discussion ends 01.05.2022

Specialty: 035 Philology

The discussion ends 01.05.2022 р.

Educational level second (master's) level.

Name of educational and professional program: Philology. Slavic languages ​​and literatures (translation included), the first - Polish

Guarantor (project team leader):  Станіславова Л.Л. канд.філол.н., доцент

Contact person: Станіславова Л.Л stanislavoval@khmnu.edu.ua

The discussion ends 01.06 2021

Specialty: 035 Philology

The discussion ends 01.06 2021

Educational level second (master's) level.

Name of educational and professional program: Philology. Slavic languages ​​and literatures (translation included), the first - Polish

Guarantor (project team leader): Станіславова Л.Л. канд.філол.н., доцент

Contact person: Станіславова Л.Л. riska761@gmail.com

The discussion ends 10.09.2020

Specialty: 035 Philology

The discussion ends 01.09 2020

Educational level second (master's) level.

Name of educational and professional program: Philology. Slavic languages ​​and literatures (translation included), the first - Polish

Guarantor (project team leader): Torchynska NM, Candidate of Philological Sciences, Assoc.

Contact person: Torchynska NM ksf2013@ukr.net