076 - Management of trade business and commercial logistics

2023, 2022, 2021, 2020

Year of entry into force: 2023

Спеціальність: 076 Пiдприємництво та торгiвля

Field of knowledge, code and name of the specialty: 07 Управління та адміністрування

Guarantor of the educational program SA Drazhnytsia, Ph.D., Assoc.

Year of entry into force: 2022

Спеціальність: 076 Entrepreneurship, trade and exchange activity

Field of knowledge, code and name of the specialty: 07 Management and administration, 076 - Entrepreneurship, trade and exchange activity

Guarantor of the educational program SA Drazhnytsia, Ph.D., Assoc.

Year of entry into force: 2021

Specialty: 076 Entrepreneurship, trade and exchange activity

Field of knowledge, code and name of the specialty: 07 Management and administration, 076 - Entrepreneurship, trade and exchange activity

Guarantor of the educational program SA Drazhnytsia, Ph.D., Assoc.

Year of entry into force: 2020

Specialty: 076 Entrepreneurship, trade and exchange activity

Field of knowledge, code and name of the specialty: 07 Management and administration, 076 - Entrepreneurship, trade and exchange activity

Guarantor of the educational program SA Drazhnytsia, Ph.D., Assoc.