076 - Business management

2023, 2021, 2020, 2019

Year of entry into force: 2023

Specialty: 076 “Підприємництво та торгівля “

Name of educational program: Educational and professional program "Business Management"

The purpose of the educational program: Формування і розвиток загальних та професійних компетентностей при підготовці висококваліфікованих фахівців з управління підприємницькою діяльністю, компетентних в питаннях утворення, забезпечення функціонування та розвитку бізнес-структур за умов невизначеності зовнішнього середовища, здатних вирішувати практичні проблеми та складні спеціалізовані завдання з підприємництва та торгівлі, володіють сучасними теоретичними знаннями, вміннями та практичними навичками у сфері організації та ведення підприємницької діяльності

The main focus of the educational program and specialization: Спеціальна освіта в галузі управління та адміністрування за спеціальністю 076 «Підприємництво та торгівля».

Features of the program: Інтегрована підготовка висококваліфікованих фахівців з управління підприємницькою діяльністю, які володіють сучасними теоретичними знаннями, вміннями та практичними навичками, здатні до прийняття управлінських рішень стосовно започаткування бізнесу, реалізації бізнес-ідей та інноваційних проєктів в умовах мінливого конкурентного бізнес-середовища

Year of entry into force: 2021


Name of educational program: Educational and professional program "Business Management"

The purpose of the educational program: Formation and development of general and professional competencies in business management, which contribute to social stability and mobility of graduates in the labor market, which will successfully carry out systematic analysis of socio-economic information to develop and make sound management decisions to establish, establish and develop their own business. conditions of uncertainty and variability of the external environment, taking into account the reserves and opportunities for innovative development of the internal environment of the enterprise based on the widespread use of modern information technology

The main focus of the educational program and specialization: Special education in the field of management and administration in the specialty Entrepreneurship, trade and exchange activities with an emphasis on business management

Features of the program: Integrated training of specialists in business management, information and analytical evaluation of business with the use of modern information technologies

Year of entry into force: 2020


Name of educational program: Educational and professional program "Business Management"

The purpose of the educational program: Formation and development of general and professional competencies in business management, which contribute to social stability and mobility of graduates in the labor market, which will successfully carry out systematic analysis of socio-economic information to develop and make sound management decisions to establish, establish and develop their own business. conditions of uncertainty and variability of the external environment, taking into account the reserves and opportunities for innovative development of the internal environment of the enterprise based on the widespread use of modern information technology

The main focus of the educational program and specialization: Special education in the field of management and administration in the specialty Entrepreneurship, trade and exchange activities with an emphasis on business management

Features of the program: Integrated training of specialists in business management, information and analytical evaluation of business with the use of modern information technologies

Year of entry into force: 2019


Name of educational program: Educational and professional program "Business Management"

The purpose of the educational program: Formation and development of general and professional competencies in business management, which contribute to social stability and mobility of graduates in the labor market, which will successfully carry out systematic analysis of socio-economic information to develop and make sound management decisions to establish, establish and develop their own business. conditions of uncertainty and variability of the external environment, taking into account the reserves and opportunities for innovative development of the internal environment of the enterprise based on the widespread use of modern information technology

The main focus of the educational program and specialization: Special education in the field of management and administration in the specialty Entrepreneurship, trade and exchange activities with an emphasis on business management

Features of the program: Integrated training of specialists in business management, information and analytical evaluation of business with the use of modern information technologies