053 - Psychology. Doctor of Philosophy.

2022, 2021, 2019, 2017

Рік введення в дію: 2022

Спеціальність: 053 Психологія

Official name of the educational program: Educational and scientific program Psychology

Purpose of the program: Підготовка висококваліфікованого, конкурентоспроможного, інтелектуально-розвинутого, інтегрованого у світовий науково-освітній простір фахівця ступеня доктора філософії у галузі соціальних та поведінкових наук за спеціальністю Психологія, здатного розв’язувати комплексні завдання професійної, дослідницько- інноваційної діяльності у сфері психології, а також здійснювати викладацьку діяльність у закладах вищої освіти.

Focus of the program, specialization Підготовка висококваліфікованого, конкурентоспроможного, інтелектуально-розвинутого, інтегрованого у світовий науково-освітній простір фахівця ступеня доктора філософії у галузі соціальних та поведінкових наук за спеціальністю Психологія, здатного розв’язувати комплексні завдання професійної, дослідницько- інноваційної діяльності у сфері психології, а також здійснювати викладацьку діяльність у закладах вищої освіти.

Features of the program: Підготовка висококваліфікованого, конкурентоспроможного, інтелектуально-розвинутого, інтегрованого у світовий науково-освітній простір фахівця ступеня доктора філософії у галузі соціальних та поведінкових наук за спеціальністю Психологія, здатного розв’язувати комплексні завдання професійної, дослідницько- інноваційної діяльності у сфері психології, а також здійснювати викладацьку діяльність у закладах вищої освіти.

Year of entry into force: 2021

Specialty: 053 Psychology

Official name of the educational program: Educational and scientific program Psychology

Purpose of the program: Training of highly qualified, competitive, intellectually developed, integrated into the world scientific and educational space specialist in the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in social and behavioral sciences in Psychology, able to solve professional problems and complex problems of innovative and research nature of theoretical, applied and practical as well as to carry out teaching activities in higher education institutions.

Focus of the program, specialization The educational and scientific program is aimed at forming a systematic scientific worldview, understanding the principles of academic culture and ethics, in particular in the field of applied, innovative and research activities of psychological orientation, the ability to intellectually search and revise scientific paradigms.

Features of the program: The educational component of the program is focused on the acquisition of higher scientific (philosophical) competencies, universal research skills, language competencies sufficient to present and discuss the results of their scientific work in state and foreign languages, professional competencies that together provide systematic training of experts for research and teaching.

Year of entry into force:2019

Specialty: 053 Psychology

Official name of the educational program: Educational and scientific program Psychology

Purpose of the program: Training of a highly qualified, competitive in the labor market of Ukraine and abroad, integrated into the world scientific and educational space specialist in PhD in social and behavioral sciences in Psychology, able to generate new ideas, solve professional problems and complex problems of innovation and research the nature of theoretical, applied and practical psychology.

Focus of the program, specialization Training of a highly qualified, competitive in the labor market of Ukraine and abroad, integrated into the world scientific and educational space specialist in PhD in social and behavioral sciences in Psychology, able to generate new ideas, solve professional problems and complex problems of innovation and research the nature of theoretical, applied and practical psychology.

Features of the program: Training of a highly qualified, competitive in the labor market of Ukraine and abroad, integrated into the world scientific and educational space specialist in PhD in social and behavioral sciences in Psychology, able to generate new ideas, solve professional problems and complex problems of innovation and research the nature of theoretical, applied and practical psychology.

Year of entry into force:2017

Specialty: 053 Psychology

Name of field of knowledge and specialty: Field of knowledge 05 "Social and behavioral sciences", specialty 053 "Psychology"

Purpose of the program: to provide training of scientific and scientific-pedagogical personnel in the field of social and behavioral sciences on the basis of their acquisition of competencies sufficient for the implementation, publication and defense of original scientific research, the results of which have scientific novelty, theoretical and practical significance.

Focus of the program, specialization The educational and scientific program provides special knowledge in the field of social and behavioral sciences, necessary for research and further scientific and pedagogical activities, as well as sufficient to produce new ideas. Emphasis on critical thinking and systematic analysis of the achievements of domestic and foreign scientists and the results of their own research to identify and solve complex problems in social and behavioral sciences, mastering the methodology of psychological research, development and practical implementation of scientific results in educational practice.

Features of the program: The program is based on the methodological principles of the socio-behavioral field and the results of modern research in the field of theory and practice of psychological care. Aimed at the development of theoretical-methodological and methodological-applied base of psychology and focuses on specialization with emphasis on the latest trends in socio-behavioral industry, which deepens the professional scientific worldview and provides a basis for scientific and psychological research and further scientific and pedagogical activities.The program covers a wide range of modern innovative vectors of psychology and focuses on the deepening of theoretical knowledge of psychology in the system of scientific knowledge; socio-cultural determinants of the development of modern psychological science; patterns of personality development and psychological and pedagogical process; world trends in the development of psychological and pedagogical science in the training of specialists; methods of organizing training in the system of distance education, etc.