015 –  Професійна освіта. Транспорт (Обслуговування та ремонт автомобілів)

2024, 2023, 2022, 2021, 2020

Обговорення завершується: 19.05.2024

Specialty: 015 Vocational education (by specialization)

Educational level Другий (магістерський)

Name of educational and professional program: Professional education. Transport (Car maintenance and repair)

Гарант  (Керівник проєктної групи):    Іван ГЕРНІЧЕНКО

Comments and suggestions:  прохання надсилати  Івану ГЕРНІЧЕНКО    на електронну адресу: hernichenko@khmnu.edu.ua

The discussion ends 14.05.2023

Specialty: 015 Vocational education (by specialization)

Educational level  second (master's)

Name of educational and professional program:  Professional education. Transport (Car maintenance and repair)

Гарант / Контактна особа:  Ігор АНДРОЩУК  

email:    lemen77@ukr.net

The discussion ends 01.05.2022

Specialty: 015 Vocational education (by specialization)

Спеціалізація: 015.38 Транспорт

Educational level second (master's) level.

Name of educational and professional program: Professional education. Transport (Car maintenance and repair)

Guarantor (project team leader): I.P. Androschuk, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor

Contact person: Gernichenko II gervan@ukr.net

The discussion ends 12.05.2021

Specialty: 015 Vocational education (by specialization)

Спеціалізація: 015.38 Транспорт

Educational level second (master's) level.

Name of educational and professional program: Professional education. Transport (Car maintenance and repair)

Guarantor (project team leader): I.P. Androschuk, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor

Contact person: Gernichenko II gervan@ukr.ne

The discussion ends 05.06.2020

Specialty: 015 Vocational education (by specialization)

Спеціалізація: 015.20 Транспорт

Educational level second (master's) level.

Name of educational and professional program: Professional education. Transport (Car maintenance and repair)

Guarantor (project team leader): I.P. Androschuk, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor

Contact person: Gernichenko II gervan@ukr.net