014 – Середня освіта (Біологія та здоров`я людини)

2022, 2021, 2020, 2018

Рік введення в дію: 2022

Specialty: 014 -Secondary education (Biology and human health)

Name of educational program: Educational and professional program Secondary education (Biology and human health)

Guarantor of the educational program Cand. ped. Sciences SV Skripnik

Purpose of the program: Training of highly qualified specialists in the field of education who have the competencies necessary for the educational process in biology and health and the implementation of environmental education in general secondary education, capable of professional self-realization and adapted to the challenges of education and modern life.

Focus of the program, specialization Освітньо-професійна програма забезпечує формування особистості педагога, який володіє знаннями теоретичних основ і прикладних аспектів біології, екології, наук про здоров’я, психолого-педагогічних особливостей організації освітнього процесу, методикою та інноваційними технологіями навчання біології та основ здоров’я у закладах загальної середньої освіти, здатний здійснювати екологічну освіту учнів.

Features of the program: Training a teacher of biology and basics of health, able to integrate knowledge of biology, basics of health and ecology for the formation of students of general secondary education in environmental culture, attitude to the environment as a potential source of human health and safety.

Year of entry into force: 2021

Specialty: 014 -Secondary education (Biology and human health)

Name of educational program: Educational and professional program Secondary education (Biology and human health)

Guarantor of the educational program Cand. ped. Sciences SV Skripnik

Purpose of the program: Training of highly qualified specialists in the field of education who have the competencies necessary for the educational process in biology and health and the implementation of environmental education in general secondary education, capable of professional self-realization and adapted to the challenges of education and modern life

Focus of the program, specialization The educational-professional program provides the formation of the personality of a teacher who has knowledge of theoretical foundations and applied aspects of biology, ecology, health sciences, psychological and pedagogical features of the educational process, methods and innovative technologies of teaching biology and basics of health in general secondary schools. education, able to carry out environmental education of students. Key words: pedagogy, psychology, biology, human health, methods of teaching biology, methods of teaching the basics of health, ecology.

Features of the program: Training a teacher of biology and basics of health, able to integrate knowledge of biology, basics of health and ecology for the formation of students of general secondary education in environmental culture, attitude to the environment as a potential source of human health and safety.

Year of entry into force: 2020

Specialty: 014 -Secondary education (Biology and human health)

Name of educational program: Educational and professional program Secondary education (Biology and human health)

Guarantor of the educational program G.A Biletskaya

Purpose of the program: Training of highly qualified specialists in the field of education who have the competencies necessary for the educational process in biology and health and the implementation of environmental education in general secondary education, capable of professional self-realization and adapted to the challenges of education and modern life.

Focus of the program, specialization Educational-professional program provides the formation of the personality of a teacher who has knowledge of theoretical foundations and applied aspects of biology, ecology, health sciences, psychological and pedagogical features of the educational process, methods and innovative technologies of teaching biology and basics of health in general secondary education. , able to carry out environmental education of students. Key words: pedagogy, psychology, biology, human health, methods of teaching biology, methods of teaching the basics of health, ecology.

Features of the program: Training a teacher of biology and basics of health, able to integrate knowledge of biology, basics of health and ecology for the formation of students of general secondary education in environmental culture, attitude to the environment as a potential source of human health and safety.

Year of entry into force: 2018

Specialty: 014 -Secondary education (Biology and human health)

Name of educational program: Бакалавр середньої освіти (біологія та здоров’я людини)

Guarantor of the educational program G.A Biletskaya

Purpose of the program: Training of highly qualified specialists in the field of education who have the competencies necessary for the educational process in biology and health and the implementation of environmental education in general secondary education, capable of professional self-realization and adapted to the challenges of education and modern life.

Focus of the program, specialization Educational-professional program provides the formation of the personality of a teacher who has knowledge of theoretical foundations and applied aspects of biology, ecology, health sciences, psychological and pedagogical features of the educational process, methods and innovative technologies of teaching biology and basics of health in general secondary education. , able to carry out environmental education of students. Keywords: pedagogy, psychology, biology, human health, methods of teaching biology, methods of teaching the basics of health, ecology.

Features of the program: Training a teacher of biology and basics of health, able to integrate knowledge of biology, basics of health and ecology for the formation of students of general secondary education in environmental culture, attitude to the environment as a potential source of human health and safety.