292 - International logistics and customs

2023, 2021, 2020

The discussion ends 19.06.2023

Specialty: 292 International economic relations

Educational level перший(бакалаврський)

Name of educational and professional program: Міжнароджна логістика та митна справа

Гарант: Леся Грицина

Contact person: Dmytro Vasylkivsky

email: vasilkivsky@gmail.com

The discussion ends 20.05.2021

Specialty: 292 «International economic relations»

Educational level first (bachelor's).

Name of educational and professional program: International logistics and customs

Project team leader: D.M. Vasylkivsky, Doctor of Economics, Assoc.

Comments and suggestions: please send the guarantor of the educational program - Vasylkivsky D. to the e-mail address vasilkivsky@gmail.com

The discussion ends 26.06.2020

Specialty: 292 «International economic relations»

Educational level first (bachelor's).

Name of educational and professional program: International logistics and customs

Project team leader: D.M. Vasylkivsky, Doctor of Economics, Assoc.

Comments and suggestions: please send the guarantor of the educational program - Vasylkivsky D. to the e-mail address vasilkivsky@gmail.com