292 - International economic relations

2023, 2021, 2020

Year of entry into force: 2023
Year of entry into force:2021

Specialty: 292 International economic relations

Name of educational program: Educational and professional program International Economic Relations

The purpose of the educational program: Training of specialists capable of solving specialized complex problems and practical problems, characterized by the complexity and uncertainty of conditions in the field of international economic relations.

The main focus of the educational program and specialization: Special education in the field of international relations, majoring in International Economic Relations. Key words: international relations, diplomatic service, foreign economic activity, international marketing, manager-economist, translator.

Features of the program: Ensuring the training of professional skills, analytical thinking, informed decision-making, evaluation and quality assurance, fluency in foreign languages, ability to work in an international context, develop and implement international projects

Year of entry into force: 2020