123 - Computer Engineering and Programming

2021, 2019

Year of entry into force: 2021

Specialty: 123 Computer Engineering

Name of educational program: Computer engineering and programming

Orientation of the educational program: Development of intellectual potential of higher education seekers, future competitive in the labor market in Ukraine and abroad specialists in computer engineering, in the process of their innovative educational, scientific and entrepreneurial activities, capable of successful professional self-realization, transfer of technology and knowledge adapted to needs the modern world and the challenges of life.

Focus of the program, specialization The main focus of the educational program is to design and organize the operation of computer systems and networks of universal and special purpose, cyberphysical systems, distributed systems, the Internet of Things, as well as the development of appropriate software.

Features of the program: Innovative and research nature, integration of professional and general training.

Year of entry into force: 2019

Specialty: 123 Computer Engineering

Name of educational program: Educational and professional program "Computer Engineering and Programming"

The purpose of the educational program: Formation of general cultural and professional competencies of future competitive computer engineering specialists in Ukraine and abroad, able to: independently use and implement computer engineering technologies, solve complex specialized problems and practical problems in the field of computer engineering or in the learning process, which involves the use of certain theories and methods of relevant sciences and is characterized by complexity and uncertainty of conditions.

The main focus of the educational program and specialization: Special education in the field of information technology in the specialty "Computer Engineering". Emphasis on the ability to solve complex specialized problems and practical problems in the field of computer engineering, in particular, the development of algorithmic and software, design and development of system and application software for computer systems, which involves the application of certain theories and methods of computer engineering and is characterized by complexity and uncertainty of conditions.

Features of the program: Integrated training of specialists for independent use and implementation of computer engineering technologies. To organize communication with real production, CASE-learning is provided - the study of several disciplines in the programs of IT companies in Khmelnytsky, during which students will solve real problems (cases).