123 - Computer Engineering (Programming and protection of computer systems and networks)


Year of entry into force: 2019

Specialty: 123 Computer Engineering

Name of educational program: Educational and professional program "Programming and protection of computer systems and networks"

The purpose of the educational program: Formation of general and professional competencies for the successful implementation of professional activities in the field of computer engineering with the use of modern information and computer technologies for programming and protection of computer systems and networks

The main focus of the educational program and specialization: Special education in information technology with a degree in computer engineering. The emphasis of the program is on the ability to solve complex specialized problems and practical problems in the field of computer engineering related to the development of system and application software, design, deployment and maintenance of computer systems and networks, their protection and system administration

Features of the program: Integrated training of specialists in the creation and use of hardware and software for computer systems and networks for various purposes, methods of their administration. To organize communication with real production, it is planned to provide the opportunity to study several disciplines under the programs of IT companies in Khmelnytsky, during which students will solve real problems.