015 - Vocational education. Technology of light industry products (garments)

2021, 2020

Discussion ends: 17.06.2021

пеціальність: 015 Vocational education

Educational level The first (bachelor's) level

Name of educational and professional program: Vocational education (Technology of light industry products) (garments)

Guarantor (project team leader): Anna Krasilnikova, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor.

Contact person: O.V. Mishchenko el_mischenko@ukr.net

The discussion ends: 26.06.2020

Specialty: 015 Vocational education (by specialization)

Educational level first (bachelor's).

Name of educational and professional program: Vocational education (Technology of light industry products) (garments)

Project team leader (guarantor): O.V Mishchenko Candidate of Technical Sciences, Senior Lecturer

Comments and suggestions: please send to the head of the project team O.V Mishchenko to the e-mail address el_mischenko@ukr.net