Webinar "Academic writing as a competence for successful learning"

On March 21, within the framework of the Week of Academic Integrity, the scientific library of KHNU held a вебінар «webinar "Academic writing as a competency for successful learning."».

Students familiarized themselves with the main structural elements of academic writing, received useful advice on the rules for creating links and the list of used sources, learned about the capabilities of bibliographic managers and link generators.

Considerable attention was paid to the importance of observing the principles of academic integrity in academic writing.

During the webinar, students gained not only theoretical knowledge, but also practical skills for developing academic writing skills and improving information literacy.

The webinar was conducted by Oksana Bychko, head of the information and bibliographic department of the scientific library of the Khmelnytskyi National University.

Scientific Library
of Khmelnytskyi National University