Słosek František

Słosek František is a doctor of science, professor, foreign member of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, director of the Institute of Pedagogy of the Academy of Special Pedagogy named after Maria Grzegozhevska in Warsaw, Chairman of the Scientific Society "Poland-Ukraine", author of more than 300 scientific works.


October 1, 1943. Born in the village of Buchkovichi near the town of Bielska Byala (Republic of Poland).

1957 – 1965. Studied at the Industrial and Pedagogical College of Warsaw.

1974. Graduated from the Warsaw Polytechnic Institute, faculty of mechanical engineering, specialty "engineer".

1978 – 1986 Director of the Association of Vocational Schools in Warsaw –URSUS.

1984. Defended his doctoral dissertation in pediatrics in Institute of Educational Research in Warsaw.

1980 - 1985 participated in collective research within the framework programs "Preparation, work and improvement teachers of vocational schools".

1985 - 1990 Head of the Department of Special Subjects at the Institute of teacher training in Warsaw. Member of Bydgoszcz association (coordinator of the second degree).

1988 – 1991 Chief editor of the magazine "Szkoła zawodowa" = "Professional School", editor of the magazine "Bulletin vocational school teacher".

1993 – 1999. Deputy dean for scientific work of the Pedagogical Department department of "Radom Polytechnic".

1993 - 2011. Member of the editorial board of the magazine "Pedagogika pracy" = "Pedagogy of work", Received a certificate No. 10 "Ambassador of innovative and pedagogical ideas practitioner".

1995. Member of the Presidium of the Polish Labor Pedagogy Section Academy of Sciences, member of the Main Program Council examination commission of the Ministry of Education and Sports of the Republic of Poland, Member of the Union of the Labor Market at the government center "Strategic Studio development".

1997. Defended the thesis "Didactics of vocational education (based on the materials of vocational education of Poland)" to obtain a doctor's degree of pedagogical sciences at the Institute of Pedagogy and Psychology of professional education of the APN of Ukraine (from 2008 to Institute of Pedagogical Education and Adult Education of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine; since 2018 - the Institute of Pedagogical Education and of adult education named after Ivan Zyazyun National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine).

1997–2000. Founder and rector of the Higher School of Pedagogical Skills and management in Ryky.

1999 - 2014. Member of the Committee of the Main Technical Knowledge Olympiad.

1999. Elected as a foreign member of the NAPN of Ukraine Department of Pedagogy and Psychology of Vocational Education (since 2008 – Department of Vocational Education education and adult education).

1999 - 2018. Member of the scientific and methodical editorial board magazine "Professional and technical education" = "Oświata Zawodowo-Techniczna".

2002 Rector of the Higher Safety Engineering School labor organization in Radom.

2003 Extraordinary Professor of the Academy of the Holy Cross, head of the "Theories of Professional Development" department. Expert of government strategic studies in the field "Professional training and the labor market".

2002 - 2005. Deputy director for scientific work of the Institute of pedagogy of the Podlaskie Academy in Sedlec.

2005 - 2018. Director of the Institute of Pedagogy of the Special Academy of Pedagogy named after Maria Grzegozhevska in Warsaw.

2006 - 2018. Member of the Presidium, deputy head of the pedagogy section works of the Committee of Pedagogical Sciences of the Polish Academy of science

2011 - 2012. Head of the project "Cooperation of the school with parents and guardians".

2012 - 2018. Member of the Scientific Council of the journal "Comparative professional pedagogy" = "Comparative Professional Pedagogy"

2013. Awarded the title "Honorary Doctor– HONORISCAUSA" of Khmelnytskyi National University.

2013 - 2018. Member of the editorial board of the collection of scientific works "Adult education: theory, experience, perspectives."

2015 - 2018. Member of the scientific board of the magazine "Edukacja Ustawiczna Dorosłych" = "Continuing adult education". Member of the editorial board of the collection of scientific works "Aesthetics and ethics of pedagogical action" = "Estetyka i ethics of pedagogic activities".

2016 – 2018. Member of the Polish-Ukrainian Scientific Council scientific yearbook "Edukacja Zawodowa i Ustawiczna" = "Continuous professional education".

2017 - 2018. Member of the Scientific and Methodological Public Council "Native School" magazine.

2018. Member of the Polish Pedagogical Society.


Professor Frantisek Słosek was honored national and departmental awards of the Republic of Poland, in particular:

• Krzyż Kawalerski Orderu Odrodzenia Polski = Knightly cross of the Order of the Renaissance of Poland;

•Złoty Krzyż Zasługi = Golden Cross of Merit;

•Srebrny Krzyż Zasługi = Silver Cross of Merit;

•Brązowy Krzyż Zasługi = Bronze Cross of Merit;

•Medal Komisji Edukacji Narodowej = Medal of the National commission on education;

•Nagroda Ministra Edukacji Narodowej I-go stepnia = Award Minister of Public Education, I degree;

•Nagroda Ministra Edukacji Narodowej II-go stepnia = Award of the Minister of National Education II degree;

• Nagroda Ministra Edukacji Narodowej III-go stepnia – trzykrotnie = Award of the Minister of National Education of the third degrees - three times;

•medal of the National Education Commission;

•medal "For services to Sedlec Humanities arts named after Princess Alexandra Oginska";

•medal "40th anniversary of the Union of Professional Schools URSUS";

•medal "For services to the tractor industry of Poland";

•"40th anniversary of the Podlaskie Academy" medal.

The professor was honored with awards of Ukraine:

• badge of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine "For scientific and educational achievements" (2008);

•Acknowledgment of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine (2018).

Medals of the National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine:

• "K. D. Ushinsky" (2008);

• "Gryhoriy Skovoroda" (2013);

• "Vladimir Monomakh" (2018);

• "For merits in the development of Cherkasy National Bohdan Khmelnytskyi University" (2011);

• badge "For Merit" of Lviv State University of Life Safety (2018).