182 - Design and technology of garments

2024, 2021, 2020, 2019

Year of entry into force: 2024
Year of entry into force: 2021

Specialty: 182 Light industry technologies

Name of educational program: Design and technology of garments

The purpose of the educational program: Training of specialists capable of solving complex specialized problems and practical problems in the production and technology of competitive products of the garment industry with the use of certain theories and methods of engineering sciences

The main focus of the educational program and specialization: Special education in the field and technology of light industry specialization in the specialization of design and technology of garments Keywords: design, technology, design, materials science, tools and methods of research of clothing materials, design techniques, methods and manufacture and quality assessment of garments

Features of the program: The program has an applied nature and is focused on design, artistic and technological training in the production of garments in the organization of communication with real production.

Year of entry into force: 2020

Specialty: 182 Light industry technologies

Name of educational program: Design and technology of garments

The purpose of the educational program: Training of specialists capable of solving complex specialized problems and practical problems in the production and technology of competitive products of the garment industry with the use of certain theories and methods of engineering sciences

The main focus of the educational program and specialization: Special education in the field and technology of light industry specialization in the specialization of design and technology of garments Keywords: design, technology, design, materials science, tools and methods of research of clothing materials, design techniques, methods and manufacture and quality assessment of garments

Features of the program: The program has an applied nature and is focused on design, artistic and technological training in the production of garments in the organization of communication with real production.

Year of entry into force: 2019

Specialty: 182 Light industry technologies

Name of educational program: Design and technology of garments

The purpose of the educational program: Training of specialists capable of solving complex specialized problems and practical problems in the production and technology of competitive products of the garment industry with the use of certain theories and methods of engineering sciences

The main focus of the educational program and specialization: Special education in the field and technology of light industry specialization in the specialization of design and technology of garments Keywords: design, technology, design, materials science, tools and methods of research of clothing materials, design techniques, methods and manufacture and quality assessment of garments

Features of the program: The program has an applied nature and is focused on design, artistic and technological training in the production of garments in the organization of communication with real production.