123 - Computer Engineering. Doctor of Philosophy.

2022, 2020

Рік введення в дію: 2022

Specialty: 123 Computer Engineering

Name of educational program: Computer Engineering

Guarantor of the educational program T.O. Govorushchenko. Ph.D., Professor

Purpose of the program: Formation of general cultural and professional competencies of future competitive computer engineering specialists in Ukraine and abroad, able to solve complex problems in the field of professional and / or research and innovation activities in the field of computer and systems IT engineering, as well as able to generate new ideas and implement them in the industrial and scientific spheres, which involves a deep rethinking of existing and the creation of new holistic knowledge and / or professional practice.

Focus of the program, specialization Special education in the field of information technology in the specialty "Computer Engineering". Emphasis on the ability to initiate and autonomously carry out research and innovation activities in the field of computer engineering

Features of the program: Innovative and research nature, integration of professional, general scientific, research, foreign language and pedagogical training

Year of entry into force:2020

Specialty: 123 Computer Engineering

Name of educational program: Computer Engineering

Guarantor of the educational program T.O. Govorushchenko. Ph.D., Professor

Purpose of the program: Formation of general cultural and professional competencies of future competitive computer engineering specialists in Ukraine and abroad, able to solve complex problems in the field of professional and / or research and innovation activities in the field of computer and systems IT engineering, as well as able to generate new ideas and implement them in the industrial and scientific spheres, which involves a deep rethinking of existing and the creation of new holistic knowledge and / or professional practice.

Focus of the program, specialization Special education in the field of information technology in the specialty "Computer Engineering". Emphasis on the ability to initiate and autonomously carry out research and innovation activities in the field of computer engineering

Features of the program: Innovative and research nature, integration of professional, general scientific, research, foreign language and pedagogical training