123 –  Комп’ютерна інженерія. Комп’ютерна інженерія та програмування

2021, 2020

The discussion ends 25.04.2021

Specialty: 123 Computer Engineering

Educational level second (master's).

Name of educational and scientific program: Computer engineering and programming

Project team leader: O.S Savenko, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Prof.

Comments and suggestions: request to send a guarantor of the educational program - Savenko O.S to the e-mail address savenko_oleg_st@ukr.net

The discussion ends 17.04.2020

Specialty: 123 Computer Engineering

Educational level second (master's).

Name of educational and scientific program: Computer engineering and programming

Project team leader: O.S Savenko, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Prof.

Comments and suggestions: request to send a guarantor of the educational program - Savenko O.S to the e-mail address savenko_oleg_st@ukr.net