2022, 2021, 2020
Рік введення в дію: 2022
Specialty: 122 Computer Science
Name of educational program: Computer Science
Guarantor of the educational program RO Bagriy. Ph.D., Associate Professor
Features of the program: Innovative and research nature of professional training for solving problems of intellectual analysis of information from any subject areas
Year of entry into force: 2021
Specialty: 122 Computer Science
Name of educational program: Computer Science
Guarantor of the educational program RO Bagriy. Ph.D., Associate Professor
Purpose of the program: Formation of general cultural and professional competencies of computer science specialists, able to: perform professional duties in the team, taking into account the peculiarities of the future profession in the positions of leading specialists and team leaders; solve complex problems and problems in the field of information technology, which involves research and innovation.
Focus of the program, specialization Special education in the field of information technology in the specialty of computer science. The educational program is aimed at deepening theoretical and practical knowledge in the field of computer science with an emphasis on the formation of skills for the creation and practical implementation of innovations in the field of information technology for various
Features of the program: Innovative and research nature of professional training for solving problems of intellectual analysis of information from any subject areas
Year of entry into force:2020
Specialty: 122 Computer Science
Name of educational program: Computer Science
Purpose of the program: Formation of general cultural and professional competencies of computer science specialists, able to: perform professional duties in the team, taking into account the peculiarities of the future profession in the positions of leading specialists and team leaders; solve complex problems and problems in the field of information technology, which involves research and innovation.
Focus of the program, specialization Special education in the field of information technology in the specialty of computer science. The educational program is aimed at deepening theoretical and practical knowledge in the field of computer science with an emphasis on the formation of skills for the creation and practical implementation of innovations in the field of information technology for various
Features of the program: Innovative and research nature of professional training for solving problems of intellectual analysis of information from any subject areas