
2024, 2022, 2021

Рік введення в дію: 2024
Рік введення в дію: 2022

Specialty: 081 Law

Name of educational program: Educational and professional program "Law"

The purpose of the educational program: Formation of the ability to solve complex specialized problems in the field of law with an understanding of the nature and content of its basic legal institutions, as well as the limits of legal regulation of various social relations

The main focus of the educational program and specialization: Special education in the field of law in the specialty "Law". Key words: national legal system, legal institutions, legal doctrines, law enforcement, legal phenomena, rule of law, human rights and freedoms, substantive and procedural law.

Features of the program: Integration of systematized knowledge, skills and abilities into the ability to solve in practice complex specialized tasks in the field of regulation of legal relations. To organize the connection with the practice, it is planned to study several disciplines in the areas of legal services of local governments, executive authorities, courts, prosecutors, lawyers and notaries of Khmelnytsky region, during which students will decide on the application of legal provisions in regulating certain social relations. .

Year of entry into force: 2021

Specialty: 081 Law

Name of educational program: Educational and professional program "Law"

The purpose of the educational program: Formation of the ability to solve complex specialized problems in the field of law with an understanding of the nature and content of its basic legal institutions, as well as the limits of legal regulation of various social relations

The main focus of the educational program and specialization: Special education in the field of law in the specialty "Law". Key words: national legal system, legal institutions, legal doctrines, law enforcement, legal phenomena, rule of law, human rights and freedoms, substantive and procedural law.

Features of the program: Integration of systematized knowledge, skills and abilities into the ability to solve in practice complex specialized tasks in the field of regulation of legal relations. To organize the connection with the practice, it is planned to study several disciplines in the areas of legal services of local governments, executive authorities, courts, prosecutors, lawyers and notaries of Khmelnytsky region, during which students will decide on the application of legal provisions in regulating certain social relations. .