035 - Polish language and literature, second language - English

2024, 2021, 2020

The discussion ends 15.06.2024

Specialty: 035 ФІЛОЛОГІЯ

Educational level First (bachelor's)

Name of educational and professional program:  Polish language and literature, second language - English

Гарант  (Керівник проєктної групи): Наталія ТОРЧИНСЬКА

Comments and suggestions:  прохання надсилати  Наталії ТОРЧИНСЬКІЙ    на електронну адресу:  torchynskan@khmnu.edu.ua

The discussion ends 2021

Specialty: 035 Philology

Educational level first (bachelor's).

Name of educational and professional program: Polish language and literature, second language - English.

Project team leader (guarantor): L.L Stanislavova, Candidate of Philology, Assoc.

Comments and suggestions: a request to send to the head of the project team (guarantor) L.L Stanislavova to the e-mail address riska761@gmail.com

The discussion ends 12.06.2020

Educational level first (bachelor's).

Name of educational and professional program: Polish language and literature, second language - English.

Project team leader (guarantor): L.L Stanislavova, Candidate of Philology, Assoc.

Comments and suggestions: a request to send to the head of the project team (guarantor) L.L Stanislavova to the e-mail address riska761@gmail.com