Results of the 2nd round of the "Zavtra.UA" scholarship program competition-2023/24

300 contestants became participants in the third round of the Contest-2023/24 and will continue to participate in competitions to receive an annual scholarship. Among them are five students of the Khmelnytskyi National University.:

Вовкотруб Катерина Валентинівна,
Іщук Тетяна Ігорівна,
Мовчанюк Анастасія Вікторівна,
Олійник Анастасія Олегівна,
Швайко Валерія Костянтинівна.

Competitions of the third round will be held online in the first half of April 2024. Scholars receive a monthly stipend of 3,727 UAH during the year, participate in meetings of the Yalta European Strategy, public lectures with leading representatives of business, politics and culture, join projects of the Viktor Pinchuk Foundation and PinchukArtCentre.

We wish success to our students!!

Department of Educational Work