KhNU took the highest place among the universities of Khmelnytskyi region in the consolidated ranking of higher education institutions of Ukraine in 202408.07.202408.07.2024
Academic mobility of the academic staff of the Department of Telecommunications, Media and Intellectual Technologies08.07.202408.07.2024
Паломництво до Українського Єрусалиму студентської туристичної агенції «Подільські мандри»05.07.202413.08.2024
Ceremonial presentation of SOLIDWORKS certificates: 28 university students received 38 international certificates in various fields05.07.202405.07.2024
Intellectual mix of the departments of marketing and international economic relations04.07.202404.07.2024
Students-winners of scientific and creative work competitions and their supervisors were awarded diplomas of the Rector of Khmelnytskyi National University04.07.202404.07.2024
Actual problems of modern science: 10th International Conference "X Ukrainian-Russian Scientific Dialogues". Monograph03.07.202403.07.2024
Visit of the Rector of KhNU to the I. Lukasiewicz Rzeszow University of Technology (Poland)02.07.202402.07.2024
Participation of Associate Professor of the Department of Germanic Philology and Translation Studies in the Summer School of Adam Mickiewicz University (Poznan, Poland) "Internationalization at Home through Virtual Exchange: Creating a Motivational Environment for Collaborative Online International Learning (COIL)"02.07.202402.07.2024
Participation of Associate Professors of the Department of Computer Engineering and Information Systems Iryna Zasornova and Olha Pavlova in the training on the development of microcredit disciplines within the framework of the Edu-GTUA project01.07.202401.07.2024