Grant program from Dassault Systémes (France, USA) - SOLIDWORKS 2024/2025 license and extension of the certification center authority

Dassault Systémes ( has opened another graént (www.3ds.comfunding program for Khmelnytskyi National University, which allowed to obtain a license to use the most modern computer modeling and engineering analysis system to the SOLIDWORKS Center 2024/2025 (500 jobs) in the educational process, which also provides for the extension of the authority of the university's SOLIDWORKS by Prof. V. Kharzhevskyi) - the center has the official status to the SOLIDWORKS Center Academic Certification Provider. There is also an opportunity to additionally provide our students with SOLIDWORKS 2024 licenses for work on home computers (500 licenses), which is important for organizing independent work. In addition, access to the international educational platform MySolidWorks (https://my.solidworks.comwhich contains a huge number of training videos, has been extended for university students.

The grant funding from another graént to our university was made possible thanks to the assistance of AMC Bridge (USA) http://amcbridge.comwhere our university graduates work and which has repeatedly acted as our partner in holding All-Ukrainian student competitions and contests, as well as in the introduction of modern CAD/CAM/CAE computer modeling technologies.

AMC Bridge is one of 15 IT companies in the world specializing in engineering software development. The company's specialists develop software solutions for design, engineering, and manufacturing. AMC Bridge's products are used in construction, mechanical and aircraft engineering, as well as architecture and robotics. Among the clients are world leaders: Autodesk, Microsoft, PTC, and Siemens, as well as technology startups. AMC Bridge has been in the IT industry for over 20 years.

Our university has been a licensed user of SOLIDWORKS since 2006, when the first grant was received - a license for 30 workstations, in 2009 the license was expanded to 60, and in 2010 - to 500 workstations. After a visit to our university in 2011 by representatives of Dassault Systémes from the United States, the grant funding is extended every year, allowing our students to work with the most advanced engineering software. Given the achievements of our university in training modern specialists, our university, unlike other higher education institutions in Ukraine, has so far received these licenses free of charge - as part of grant programs.

Dassault Systémes is a company that develops engineering software (computer-aided design systems), including for the automotive and aviation industries, works in many areas, and since 1997 has been developing the SOLIDWORKS computer modeling and engineering analysis system. In general, Dassault Systémes is one of the world leaders in the development of engineering software: according to the results of the last year, the company received about $6.5 billion in profit. In general, the SOLIDWORKS system is currently the de facto industrial standard in many countries and is widely used at leading industrial enterprises in Ukraine.

The SOLIDWORKS computer-aided design system has been implemented at the university at the Faculty of Engineering, Transport and Architecture as part of the cross-cutting computer training of technical students in a number of disciplines, and the SOLIDWORKS Training and Certification Center of our university the most effective among higher education institutions in Ukraine.

In general, the grant provided to us by another graént opens up a number of the following opportunities for students of Khmelnytskyi National University:

1. A license for 500 workstations of the to the SOLIDWORKS Center 2024/2025.

By the beginning of the academic year, the existing SOLIDWORKS Education Edition software in the university's computer labs will be updated to the most modern version - 2024. In addition, the grant provides for the transfer of an additional 500 full-featured SOLIDWORKS Student Edition licenses for students' and teachers' home computers, which is especially important for the proper organization of students' independent work, including course and diploma projects.

It should be noted that all SOLIDWORKS 2024/2025 licenses provided to the university are analogous to the most fully functional version of SOLIDWORKSPremiumincluding all additional system modules for solving modern engineering and scientific problems in mechanical engineering. The provided license is permanent, technical support and updates from Dassault Systémes will be provided during the next academic year - until July 2025. The general list of licensed modules of the latest version of SOLIDWORKS activated on our university server is shown below:

It should be noted that the above SOLIDWORKS modules have already been tested in the educational process of the Faculty of Engineering, Transport and Architecture in a number of courses for various specialties of the faculty. The use of their new versions will allow organizing the educational process at a more modern level.

Below are examples of works by students of our university made in SOLIDWORKS:

2. Continuation of the previously granted status of the official certification center - SOLIDWORKS Academic Certification Provider

Students and teachers of our university have the opportunity to take official international SOLIDWORKS exams. We received the status of a certification center in December 2009, and today our SOLIDWORKS center is the most effective SOLIDWORKS certification center among all higher education institutions in Ukraine. The grant provides for the extension of the powers of the University SOLIDWORKS Center (ESC "CAD", room 3-103) to organize international certification exams at both the basic and professional levels.

In general, for the next academic year (2024/2025), our SOLIDWORKS University Center has been confirmed to conduct 15 types of official certification exams, the results of which are recognized worldwide:

Basic level exams Ceritifed SOLIDWORKS Associate (CSWA):

1. Associate – Mechanical Design (CSWA-Full Exam) - exam on the basics of designing models, assemblies, and drawing in SOLIDWORKS.

2. AssociateAdditive Manufacturing (CSWA-AM) - the basics of 3D printing technologies, using SOLIDWORKS modeling technologies.

3. AssociateElectrical (CSWA-E) - design of electrical systems, integration of electrical circuits into models developed in SOLIDWORKS.

4. AssociateSimulation (CSWA-S) - performs engineering calculations using SOLIDWORKS Simulation (calculations for strength, stiffness, stability, etc.).

5. AssociateSustainability (CSWA-SD) - use of methods for conducting environmental assessment of products designed in SOLIDWORKS in real time.

Professional level exams Ceritifed to the SOLIDWORKS Center Professional (CSWP):

6. ProfessionalMechanical Design (CSWP-Full Exam) - solid modeling in SOLIDWORKS at the professional level (the exam is conducted for practicing designers in enterprises or for master's students).

7. ProfessionalCAM (CSWP-CAM) - professional use of tools for writing control programs for computer numerically controlled machines.

8. ProfessionalSimulation (CSWP-S) - professional use of SOLIDWORKS Simulation tools for engineering calculations (strength, stiffness, stability, etc.).

9. ProfessionalFlow Simulation (CSWP-Flow) - Professional use of SOLIDWORKS Flow Simulation tools to perform calculations of liquids and gases, internal and external flows, mixing of substances, and heat transfer.

Advanced Professional exams in various areas Advanced Professional:

10. Professional AdvancedDrawing Tools (CSWPA-DT) - exam for the ability to professionally use drawing tools in SOLIDWORKS.

11. Professional AdvancedMold Making (CSWPA-MM) - professional use of SOLIDWORKS features and tools for designing injection molds.

12. Professional AdvancedSheet Metal (CSWPA-SM) - examines the use of professional tools to design sheet metal parts.

13. Professional AdvancedWeldments (CSWPA-WD) - exam on the use of professional tools for designing welded structures.

14. Professional AdvancedModel Based Definition (CSWP-MBD) - professional use of SOLIDWORKS MBD tools (model parameters: 3D dimensions, tolerances, bases, notes, specifications, etc.)

15. Professional AdvancedSurfacing (CSWPA-SU) - professional tools for creating complex parts using surface modeling.

It should be noted that during the existence of the SOLIDWORKS Center at our university (since December 2009), more than 600 SOLIDWORKS certification exams have already been conducted and 546 international CSWA/CSWP certificates have been issued. The list of certified SOLIDWORKS users can be found on the official website of another graént (

Thus, the received grant for the to the SOLIDWORKS Center 2024/2025 system will allow to continue the introduction of modern advanced technologies in the training of university students, will not only organize the educational process at the modern level, provide international certification of students and teachers, expand cooperation with industry, but also consolidate the status of Khmelnytskyi National University as one of the leaders among Ukrainian higher education institutions in the introduction of modern technologies of 3D modeling and computer engineering analysis

We are grateful to Dassault Systémes and AMC Bridge for their help and cooperation.

Head of the educational and research center

"Computer-aided design systems"

prof. V. O. Kharzhevskyi