Year of entry into force: 2021
Specialty: 172 Telecommunications and radio engineering
Name of educational program: Educational and professional program Telecommunications, media technologies and intelligent networks
The purpose of the educational program: Formation and development of general and professional competencies for the implementation and application of telecommunications and radio engineering technologies that contribute to the social stability and mobility of graduates in the labor market
The main focus of the educational program and specialization: Special education in 17 Electronics and telecommunications, majoring in 172 Telecommunications and radio engineering. The main focus of the educational program is on training in telecommunications, media technology and smart grids.
Features of the program: Educational program, which provides for close cooperation with institutions in the region that provide telecommunications, media services and institutions - developers of electronic and telecommunications equipment to gain practical skills in servicing, repair and operation of modern electronic and telecommunications equipment, multimedia content, web port , next generation smart grids and "smart" systems.