151 - Automation and computer-integrated technologies


Year of entry into force: 2021

Specialty: 151 Automation and computer-integrated technologies

Name of educational program: Automation and computer-integrated technologies

The purpose of the educational program: Training of specialists capable of developing and implementing hardware and software for automation systems, control of technological processes and production based on computer-integrated technologies using theoretical studies of automation, justification of the choice of technical means of automation and design of automated control systems.

Focus of the program, specialization Special education in automation and instrumentation in the specialty of Automation and computer-integrated technologies. Emphasis on the ability to solve complex specialized problems and practical problems in the field of automation and computer-integrated technologies, including the design of automation systems and multilevel control and data acquisition systems, as well as the development of application software for automation systems. and methods of automation and computer-integrated technologies and is characterized by complexity and uncertainty of conditions.

Features of the program: Integrated preparation for independent use and implementation of technologies in the field of automation and computer-integrated technologies, as well as integration of knowledge in promising areas of automation systems design based on modern software and hardware and information technology.